There is a craftable torch you can make to prevent zombies from spawning within a 7 block radius of it! This torch will also catch any zombies on fire that come within that 7 block radius.
Zombies will spawn anywhere! Day or night, light or dark, inside or outside, they don't care! If you leave your house for a bit, be weary when you return, as a Walker may have found its way inside while you were away!.
Ranged weapons were not taken from the original version of the mod.
This mod will add the Belgian P90 submachine gun. Now you will have an M4A1 assault rifle. Instead of a fishing rod, there will be an underwater gun (harpoon). As soon as you shoot from it, it will attach to the entity and kill it, after which it will disappear. Throwing knives will appear instead of snowballs (they will deal 5 damage). The bow will be replaced with a pistol, which will naturally have bullets instead of arrows. The Diamond Sword will be replaced by the Diamond Samurai SwordĪll ideas for melee weapons were taken from the original mob. Chainsaw will appear instead of the Diamond Ax. Hunting knife instead of the Golden Sword. Samurai sword instead of the Iron Sword. Iron Ax will be replaced with a regular Ax. Scrap will be instead of the Stone Sword. Survivors – Replace skeletons. They are neutral towards the rest of the players, that is, they will not attack first. Runner – This mob will appear instead of Cadaver. Compared to the cadaver, it has a lower health pool (only 15) and attacks players less often. Walker – This mob will replace the zombies from the regular version of the game Minecraft PE. Compared to zombies, the walker is rather slow and does not burn during the day, but has a similar health reserve (20 units). The Crafting Dead PE mod for Minecraft Pocket Edition is an updated version of the identical modification for the Java Edition. This mod includes some elements of the post-apocalyptic world , which were partially borrowed from the popular TV series “The Walking Dead”, where the heroes fought with zombies. Also in this mod, some types of hostile mobs have been replaced (a list of all the innovations is given below).